Leading In Excellence (Essential Leadership Series)

Welcome to 2 Live a Dream University,
Essential Leadership/Leading In Excellence
Zelma Johnson, Author
Holy Bible King James Version / Holy Bible New Living Translation
We will be discovering what the key elements of leadership are, learning what love has to do with, most of all how to apply these key principles to grow us into better leaders. We will also see biblical examples of great leadership yes, role models great leadership in action.
Goal 1 Gain knowledge and understanding of the key elements of a great leader.
Goal 2 Learn the art of leading by example, because all eyes will be upon you.
Goal 3 Understanding why it is necessary to put your best effort into it.
Desire to become a better leader using proven techniques that are biblically sound.
Jenni Catron Cultivating Extraordinary Leaders
This class is a prerequisite to our series Essential Leadership Courses there will not be standardized testing for this course however you will be evaluated on where you are, where you are going and where you want to be. Therefore there are no right or wrong answers. This is a gage to find out where you are and to take you to a new level understanding.
Thank you for joining our Leadership Course being called to lead does not come with instructions. In order to be a great leader, you must be a good follower. You must be humble and always ready to learn and listen. To hear that still voice and move on it. This is a beginning course to help to understand the role of
leadership and function more productively as a Leader a Greater Leader.
Lecture 1 The Great Commandment & Leadership
Lecture 2 Lead With All Your Heart
12 Steps to Success through Self-Care
Zelma Johnson, Author
12 Step to Success through Self-Care
12 Steps to Success through Self –Care Daily Planner Optional
We will be discovering what the key elements of leadership are, learning what love has to do with, most of all how to apply these key principles to grow us into better leaders. We will also see biblical examples of great leadership yes, role models great leadership in action.
Goal 1 To Learn and Clearly Define what Self Care is.
Goal 2 To Learn the Eight Elements Self-Care and what role the play in your lives.
Goal 3 After all the Steps and Elements of Self- Care are learned then a personal plan of action will be developed as well as executed.
A Desire to in-better yourself while developing a mindset of success.
This class is a self-help class however a final paper will be required to see and measure your progress. Testing for this course however you will be evaluated on where you are, where you are going and where you want to
be. Therefore there are no right or wrong answers. This is a gage to find out where you are and to take you to a new level understanding.
Thank you for joining our self-help course 12 Steps to Success through Self-Care Course. Wanting to Re-Build yourself through Self-Love. Self-Love is a powerful tool. Loving your- self does not come easy. Self-Love is not just eating right, exercise, and taking a bath. It much more complicated than that. Self-Love is taking control of you like and beginning to life to the fullest. Successful, happy and healthy.